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53rd Annual Clinical Conference Exhibitor Information


The 32rd Annual Goldfarb Foundation Clinical Conference is scheduled from Thursday, November 6 - Sunday, November 9, 2025, at the Valley Forge Casino Resort in King of Prussia, PA.  Based on 2024 attendance numbers, we are planning for 300-350 DPMs at the 2025 Clinical Conference.  Come join us at this in-person event!

factors to enhance your roi


Plan now to exhibit with the Foundation at the 53rd Annual Clinical Conference!  An expected attendance of 300-350 DPMs makes the Clinical Conference the place to be.  The exhibit hall contains:

►49 10 x 10 booths, priced starting at $1300

► The main entrance to the lecture hall, forcing meeting attendees to utilize the exhibit hall to access lectures

► CE Attendance Verification scanning at lunch on Friday & Saturday

► 9th Annual Marc A. Karpo Poster Competition posters on display leading to the exhibit hall entrance

► Food & beverages for breaks & lunches

With all of these features, the exhibit hall is a can't miss opportunity for your business!



Lecture Schedule
DPM Event Registration
Registration Brochure
DPM Meeting
Exhibitor Information
APMA Coding Seminar
Risk Management
Hotel Reservations
CECH Attendance Verification Times

Clinical Conference
DPMs from Pennyslvania  


74% & 7%
PA DPMs from Central and Eastern PA (17XXX-19XXX zip codes); PA DPMs from Western PA (15XXX and 16XXX zip codes)


 DPMs from DE, MD, NJ, and NY 

Of all registrants are APMA members


Exhibit booth pricing & inclusions

Booth Pricing  
Early Bird Fee (Until July 31)  $1300
Regular Fee (after August 1)  $1400
Booth Size 10 x 10
Number of Booths Available +40

One 6' Table,  two Chairs, one Wastebasket, one ID sign, WiFi, and lead retrieval

Estimated Attendance The 2024 Clinical Conference attracted over 350 podiatrists in a license renewal year; in 2025, we expect 300-350 DPMs in attendance.
Exhibit Days Friday - November 7
Saturday - November 8

Valley Forge Casino Resort in King of Prussia, PA

Exhibit hall Information


Exhibit Hall Setup:
Thursday, November 6: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (full booth & tabletop displays)
Friday, November 7: 7:30 am - 9:00 am (tabletop displays only)

Exhibit Hall Hours:
Friday, November 7: 
9:30 am - 4:00 pm, Exhibit hall open

Saturday, November 8: 
9:30 am - 4:00 pm, Exhibit hall open

Breakfast for exhibitors and attendees will be available in the registration area beginning at 7:30 am on Friday & Saturday

Exhibit Hall Dismantling:
Saturday, November 8: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 



Exhibitor Deadlines


March 2025: Exhibit booth sales open to all companies that exhibited with us at the 2024 Clinical Conference  

April 2025: Exhibit booth sales open to the general public

July 31, 2025: Early bird booth pricing ends

August 1, 2025: Regular booth pricing begins

October 3, 2025:  Deadline for advertisements for the Clinical Conference Program

October 7, 2025:  Deadline for hotel reservations at the discounted group rate of $165

October 23, 2025: Company rep names must be submitted through the Eventsquid portal for name badges   

October 25, 2025Early bird discount ends with GES to order extra tables, chairs, etc. for your booth; note that the exhibit hall aisles are not carpeted and carpeting is not required for booths.

Weeks of October 6 & October 27, 2025: A list of pre-registered meeting attendees will be e-mailed to the company contact in an Excel spreadsheet 

Electricity is purchased during the booth purchase process through the Goldfarb Foundation.  Basic electricity is $159 during the purchase process and increases in price starting August 1 ($175) and October 15 ($200). If you did not purchase electricity with your booth and need to add it now, contact Lara Beer-Caulfield.

Phone : 717-763-7665
Fax : 717-761-4091
The William L. Goldfarb Foundation 757 Poplar Church Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011